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Tomatillo Plant

Organic Pest Control in Harwich, MA

Living on Cape Cod means enjoying stunning beaches, but it also means contending with pests. The Yard Gard is your local ally against pest intruders, offering professional pest control in Harwich with a focus on organic and friendly solutions.


Protect Yourself Against Ticks and Mosquitoes

Ticks and mosquitoes aren't just a nuisance on Cape Cod – they can transmit serious diseases like Lyme disease. The Yard Gard's targeted treatments reduce tick and mosquito populations and protect against health risks.

We combat these pests with organic tick and mosquito control. We do this by applying organic oil spray in the affected area. Every three weeks from April through October, we treat your property, providing a total of nine applications throughout the peak pest season. This approach ensures maximum protection when you need it most.

Why Choose The Yard Gard for Pest Control in Harwich?

The busiest time for pest control on Cape Cod is mid-March to the end of June. This is when pest populations surge,  and getting an early start on treatments is crucial. Contact us as early as possible to secure your spot on our program and maximize the number of protective applications you receive for optimal results.

We prioritize effective organic methods against pests while minimizing the impact on the delicate Cape Cod ecosystem. 

Unlike traditional pest control companies, we don't rely on synthetic chemicals. Instead, we use a blend of natural essential oils, including rosemary, geraniol, peppermint, and wintergreen. These oils have proven repellent properties, creating a barrier that deters ticks, mosquitoes, and other unwanted insects.

Unlike our competitors, we treat ticks and mosquitoes in one application, saving you time and money. We also take the time to address your concerns and provide clear recommendations.

Effective Pest Protection on the Cape

We provide a full range of organic pest control services to protect your home or business, including:

Termite Control

These destructive insects require specialized treatment to stop infestations and protect your property's structural integrity. We understand the different types of termites found on Cape Cod, such as subterranean termites, and tailor our approach for maximum effectiveness. We use methods like liquid soil treatments and bait stations to eliminate termite colonies and prevent future damage.

Carpenter Ant Defense

We prevent these wood-damaging pests from compromising your home. Carpenter ants, attracted to moisture, often target homes with water leaks or wood rot. We identify the source of the infestation and apply targeted treatments, stopping these ants from causing further structural issues.

Humane Wildlife Removal

When raccoons, squirrels, or other critters become a little too comfortable, we use safe and compassionate removal practices that prioritize the well-being of both humans and animals. We specialize in exclusion techniques that seal off entry points, preventing wildlife from re-entering your property.  For current infestations, we may use live traps for safe and ethical relocation.

Choose the Cape Cod Pest Experts

When it comes to perimeter pest control in Harwich, we know the Cape's challenges. Our organic approach and local knowledge give you the best defense against unwanted guests.

Let's create a pest-free haven on your Cape Cod property. Enjoy your outdoor spaces without worry!

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